Monday, October 20, 2008

A Case of the Mondays...

Wow. I hate MONDAY. Today has been a Looong day. It was beautiful outside. But I spent much of it in traffic and in long lines. I can only stand the same songs replayed on the radio for so long so mostly I listen to talk radio in the car. My Favorite show is the Stephanie and Meredith Show on 107.1 fm(which now SADLY is just "Stephanie" show - not sure why yet) They always crack me up but today was the first day I was actually almost brought to tears by a story. I have to post it to my blog. I will never forget this story about a couple who fell in love after an experience during the holocaust, It is SO touching...
Here is a link to it:


Aurelia and Annalise said...

Yeh I noticed that about Sand M show. Today Colleen was on there instead of Meredith. Weird. But I do like Colleen:)

Tokara said...

Meredith is gone now. they said it the other day. Im not sure why!!!?? I loved her she was Hillarious. I'll have to do some investigating to find out why:)


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